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人们常以数字化应对网络时代的到来,但对其理解多局限于技术、设备的适应而少以观念的更新应对。数字技术是传统出版业在内容和形式上的延伸和扩展,它在为出版业带来新的技术和生产方式的同时,也对传统的出版范式、出版理念带来了变革。出版的数字化除了技术、装备的适应外,更重要的是适合于网络时代的观念的更新。  相似文献   
图书复权是一种图书再次出版过程中再次许可使用著作权或专有出版权的特殊法律行为和现象。明确图书复权前的著作权、与著作权有关的权益的主体构成与权利构成状况是确保图书复权合法实施的前提。目前应探索建立并采用局部直接复权、网上直接复权、直接复权要约、集体间接复权等复权模式。按需出版方式更适合作为复权图书出版的基本方式。  相似文献   
作为对我们所熟知的“80/20法则”的悖反或补充,“长尾理论”被《商业周刊》评为2005年度最有商业价值的概念之一。该理论认为,运用信息技术可消除传统商业世界的很多约束,以至于需求不旺或销售不佳的产品共同占据的市场份额,可以和那些数量不多的热卖品占据的市场份额相匹敌甚至更大。长尾理论作为网络商业的一个新的理论基础,为网络出版的发展带来启示。  相似文献   
More recent motivational research focuses on the identification of effective techniques for enhancing instructional design and meeting the needs of diverse student populations (Wlodkowski R. J., 1981). Learning-motivation researchers are applying some of the same theories and concepts found to be effective in industry to the development of motivational models that enhance the teaching-learning environment. One of such models is the Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction (ARCS) model of motivational design developed by John M. Keller (Small Ruth V., 2007). The continuous improvement in handheld devices technologies has led to a new learning paradigm called mobile learning which involves the delivery of learning contents to learners utilizing mobile computing devices. Handheld devices, however, have constraints which limit their use for effective learning. Towards improving the effectiveness of mobile learning is a new mobile learning model proposed by Shih on which instructional designs for mobile learning can be based to facilitate mobile learning design and to achieve better mobile learning outcomes (Yushin E. Shih & Dennis Mills, 2007). Shih's model is based on Graphical User Interface (GUI). This paper presents an enhanced Shih's model for effective mobile learning outcome in a university environment by making provision for instructional design to include online library search for both e-books and audio books using collaborative filtering algorithm to aid the search and posting and reading of testimonials about positive mobile learning outcomes so as to encourage other mobile learners. It also incorporates the use of Voice User Interface (VUI) to access the learning portal in order to overcome mobile devices interface limitations in addition to Graphical User Interface (GUI) proposed by Shih, so as to cater for the learning needs of the blind and the visually impaired.  相似文献   
加入WTO后,我国经济与世界经济进一步融合,这给出版业发展带来了前所未有的机遇,同时也因为国外大出版集团的抢占市场使出版业面临严峻的考验。因此出版社要加大力度转变经营机制,提高经营管理水平,实现人才、资金、经营的优化组合,最终提高在国际市场的竞争力。  相似文献   
地图印前技术是GIS桌面制图与印前系统紧密结合并共同前行的一项技术。本文从分析GIS空间数据的特征及其应用于地图印前的欠缺之处出发,探讨了基于GIS空间数据的地图印前技术中图层的组织、符号库的管理、字库的选择、地图标注的应用等关键问题,  相似文献   
近现代以来,常熟作家群曾朴等人开展报刊编辑出版活动,从事文学创作,译介域外优秀文学作品,形成了群体、社团、流派,它们互为影响促进,引领创作风尚,为繁荣区域文化做出了特殊的贡献。  相似文献   
There have been ongoing criticisms of the field of educational leadership and management with respect to over-reliance on research from ‘Western’ contexts. However, evidence on the extent to which voices alternative to the dominant ‘Western’ discourse are represented in the international English-medium discourse of educational leadership and management is thin. Using a three-phase sequential mixed-methods approach, this paper explores knowledge production in the field by analysing the prevalence and impact of empirical articles published in four English-medium international journals. Additionally, the membership of editorial boards and editors is analysed to geographically locate key decision makers. Findings demonstrate that an exceptionally small set of core inner-circle Anglophone and non-inner-circle Anglophone settings enjoys disproportionate influence in the field. There is need for a knowledge base enriched with leadership and management practices from different sociocultural contexts and system structures with a multiplicity of voices to portray a more nuanced and balanced picture of leadership and management practices.  相似文献   
中国古代编辑出版的美学追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代的编辑活动至少可以追溯到殷商时代。上下几千年,中国古代编辑出版的成就灿烂辉煌。编辑加工是中国古代编辑活动的核心内容,编辑加工的艺术水平体现了中国古代编辑出版艺术成就。这种艺术成就是编辑出版过程中编辑主体美学追求的结晶。中国古代编辑主体的美学追求首先是对主体自由本质的追求与确证,具体内容表现为求真、示美和达善。编辑主体的审美自觉是受众进入编辑主体的视野,并得到重视。  相似文献   
成敏  郭柏寿 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):24-25
随着互联网的发展与普及,我国科技期刊的纸质版产品逐渐丧失了主导地位,各种形态的数字化期刊包括科技期刊的网刊,因其即时与便捷的获取及检索特性获得飞速发展;然而,目前科技期刊网刊的出版并不十分规范,绝大部分期刊的网刊缺乏法律支撑,因此,文章就我国当前科技期刊网刊的合法性进行探讨,并对网刊的法律地位,违法网刊可能导致的后果以及如何获得网络出版服务许可证等问题进行分析,以期引起整个行业的重视,并为科技期刊网刊的规范化发展提供参考。  相似文献   
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